How beautiful friendship is.....!
No one would ever wonder about the
beauty of friendship until they meet the right person on their path. That
person is just a miracle in our life. They make us come out through flying
colours, give a hand in our downfall, give a breath when we are about to die,
give a love that we longed for from our passed off parents, give a lift at the
right time in the r8 moment in the right place. So where am I now??? No one
knows except that person who guided u to all the way to the success. But…….
Where is that very person in our life???
All the way through the hell they have been our shadow but now that we have
reached the heaven, so what’s the next plan??? Do we look back for that very
true friend; do we at least shed tears in their funeral??? No… just as time
pass they fade away from our mind. Who is that person? Why do they do all this
for us? Do we ever think of what are we going to give them in return? No… just
as spark of light in darkness they come, bring light in our life but we……… just
forget…….break promises…… That’s human nature… so through tis I just want to
say to all my friends that….. Neither be the best friend nor be the fake
friend….. Don’t fall in trap or make others fall in your trap……. Friendship is
very delicate….. Never break the bond or else…..u will regret for your whole
life for missing such a person….
Dedicated to: Rakshana.
Perfect message dear